Public Hearing Notice: resolution #20-09-17-20; Sufficiency of Instructional Materials


You are hereby notified that the Campbell Union High School District Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing, at a regularly scheduled Board meeting on

Date: Thursday, September 17, 2020

Time: 6:00 PM

Topic: Resolution #20-09-17-20; Sufficiency of Instructional Materials

The meeting will be held via teleconferencing. There will be no public, physical location to view the meeting. Public are advised to participate virtually by visiting the following website:

Public comments are invited to determine whether each pupil in the school district, including English Learners, is provided with sufficient textbooks and instructional materials consistent with the cycles and content of the curriculum frameworks.  Members of the public may submit a request to make a Public Comment by telephone through a Public Comments form available at and also located in BoardDocs, beginning 15 minutes before a Board meeting. Those that submit a public comment form will be called via telephone at the number they provided in the form. If the person does not answer, the Board President will move onto the next public comment request. 

It is recommended that the CUHSD Board of Trustees adopt Resolution #20-09-17-20; Pupil Textbook and Instructional Materials Program, as certification of sufficient textbooks and/or instructional materials.