Local Control & Accountability Plan

All school districts in California develop a three-year Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) with a focus on the needs of emerging multilingual/English learner students, socioeconomically disadvantaged students, and foster youth. The plan provides transparency about a district's goals, priorities, and expenditures and is developed with community input.
2024-2025 Local Control and Accountability Plan Development
A timeline of Local Control and Accountability Plan engagement activities is listed below. If you have any questions or comments please contact Jennifer Orlick, Director of Innovation, at [email protected].


Engagement Activity

February  February 1 - The mid-year LCAP update was presented to the Board of Trustees
School climate surveys were administered to students, parents/guardians, and staff
February 12 - 1st LCAP Committee meeting: input provided on draft Goals 1 and 2
March March 25 - 2nd LCAP Committee meeting: input provided on draft Goals 3 and 4
Draft goals and actions were shared with staff, parents, and student committees for input. See questions from the District English Learners Advisory Committee (DELAC) and responses from the Superintendent here. See questions from the Parent Advisory Committee and responses from the Superintendent here.
April  April - ThoughtExchange online survey to rank community priorities for the LCAP. Reports are available with the results for: students, parents/families, and staff.
April 22 - 3rd LCAP Committee meeting: input provided on Goal 5 and review draft action items
May 6 - 4th LCAP Committee meeting: reviewed revised action items
May 23 - Board governance meeting to review draft budget and draft LCAP
June June 13 - LCAP Hearing at a regular Board meeting
June 20 - LCAP Adoption at a regular Board meeting
LCAP submitted to Santa Clara County Office of Education for review
Cronograma del Plan de Responsabilidad y Control Local


Actividad de participación

Febrero  1 de febrero: se presentó la actualización del LCAP de mitad de año a la Junta Directiva.
Encuestas de clima escolar administradas a estudiantes, padres/tutores y personal.
12 de febrero: #1 reunión del Comité LCAP: aportes sobre los borradores de las Metas 1 y 2
Marzo 25 de marzo - #2 reunión del Comité LCAP: aportes sobre los borradores de las Metas 3 y 4
Los borradores de las metas y acciones del LCAP se comparten con los comités de personal, padres y estudiantes para su aporte. Vea las preguntas del DELAC y las respuestas del Superintendente aquí. Vea las preguntas del Comité Asesor de Padres y las respuestas del Superintendente aquí.
Abril  Abril: encuesta en línea de ThoughtExchange para clasificar las prioridades de la comunidad para el LCAP
22 de abril: #3 reunión del Comité LCAP: aportes sobre la Meta 5 y revisión de los borradores de elementos de acción. Los informes están disponibles con los resultados para: estudiantes, padres/familias y personal.
Mayo   6 de mayo - #4 reunión del Comité LCAP: revisar los elementos de acción revisados
23 de mayo: reunión de gobierno de la junta directiva para revisar el borrador del presupuesto y el LCAP.
Junio 13 de junio: Audiencia LCAP en una reunión ordinaria de la Junta.
20 de junio: Adopción del LCAP en una reunión ordinaria de la Junta
LCAP presentado a la Oficina de Educación del Condado de Santa Clara para su revisión
2023-2024 Local Control and Accountability Plan
The Campbell Union High School District Board of Trustees approved the Local Control and Accountability Plan for 2023-2024 at a public meeting on June 22, 2023, in accordance with Education Code Sections 42103, 42127, 52061, and 52062.
A summary is provided below as an image and PDF. 
An overview of the CUHSD Local Control and Accountability Plan
The Campbell Union High School District Board of Trustees approved the Local Control and Accountability Plan for 2023-2024 at a public meeting on June 22, 2023, in accordance with Education Code Sections 42103, 42127, 52061, and 52062.
New to the development of the District's plan was the inclusion of priority recommendations from the Educational Equity Audit and Blueprint process, a two-year study completed in partnership with The Education Trust-West. Below is a summary of the Educational Equity Audit. Click here to learn more and read the full report.
educational equity audit summary
A timeline of Local Control and Accountability Plan engagement activities is listed below.


Engagement Activity


Presentation of the 2022 California School Dashboard to the Board of Trustees. The presentation materials can be viewed here.



School climate surveys were administered to students, parents/guardians, and staff.

Educational Equity Audit and Blueprint committees finalize their priority recommendations; a blueprint of intended actions is drafted


March 2 - Educational Equity Audit and Blueprint final recommendations will be presented to the Board of Trustees. View presentation slides here.

March 8 - 1st LCAP Committee meeting to review the Local Control Funding Formula, the California School Dashboard, and to provide feedback on the current Local Control and Accountability Plan goals and actions. View presentation slides here in English.


Vea las diapositivas de la presentación aquí en español.



April - A ThoughtExchange online survey was administered to rank community priorities for the LCAP from staff, parents/guardians, students, and community members.

April 3 - 2nd LCAP Committee meeting to take a deeper dive into the recommendations from the Educational Equity Audit and Blueprint and the proposed updates to the Multilingual Master Plan. View presentation slides here in English.


Vea las diapositivas de la presentación aquí en español.




May 3 - 3rd LCAP Committee meeting to review chronic absenteeism and suspension rates and provide ideas on how to improve outcomes, including a review of climate survey data. View presentation slides here in English.


Vea las diapositivas de la presentación aquí en español.

May 4 - Draft LCAP presentation at the CUHSD Regular Board Meeting. View the presentation slides here.

May 8 - LCAP presentation at the President's Council (parent advisory committee). View the presentation slides here.

May 22 - 4th LCAP Committee meeting to share the draft LCAP and collect final input. Results of the ThoughtExchange and district responses will also be shared.

May 25 - Board governance meeting to review draft budget and LCAP.


June 15 - LCAP Hearing at a regular Board meeting.

June 22 - LCAP Adoption at a regular Board meeting

The CUHSD Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) for the 2022-2023 school year was approved at the Board of Trustees Meeting on June 23, 2022, along with the Local Indicators for the California School Dashboard. 
You can view a summary below.
A summary of the 2022-2023 CUHSD Local Control and Accountability Plan
On February 17, 2022, a midyear report was provided to the Board of Trustees on midyear outcomes and expenditures. You can find links below to view the presentation, supplemental report, and a detailed midyear LCAP report with metrics and expenditures through December 31, 2021.
The district hosted an LCAP Committee inclusive of staff, family members, students, and community partners, and collected feedback from other district committees throughout the spring of 2022. Below is a timeline of engagement activities that occurred to gather input for the 2022-2023 LCAP.
Information about the LCAP was presented to the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) and the President's Council (parent representatives committee), and their feedback, as well as responses from district staff, are available here.


Engagement Activity


LCAP Midyear Update to the Board on February 17

School climate surveys administered to students, parents/guardians, and staff 


March 9 - 1st LCAP Committee meeting to review the LCFF, midyear expenditures, and progress on LCAP metrics. The presentation is available here.



April - ThoughtExchange online survey to brainstorm and rank priorities for LCAP. The final results are available here.

April 13 - 2nd LCAP Committee meeting to learn about the Educational Equity Audit preliminary findings from The Education Trust-West. The presentation is available here.

April 14 - Presentation of preliminary equity audit findings from the EdTrust-West at the Board of Trustees Governance Workshop. The presentation is available here.




May 11 - 3rd LCAP Committee meeting for Q&A with the leadership team and to refine recommended updates to the LCAP. The presentation is available here.

May 25 - 4th LCAP Committee meeting to share draft LCAP

May 26 - Board governance meeting to review draft budget and LCAP


June 16 - LCAP Hearing. The following items were presented:

June 23 - Adoption of the final LCAP at a regular Board meeting

View the 2021 LCAP adopted by the Board of Trustees on June 24, 2021.
LCAP infographic
LCAP Development for 2021
School districts were required to provide an update on the 2020-2021 Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan as well as the 2019-2020 Local Control and Accountability Plan, while also developing a new three-year Local Control and Accountability Plan for the years 2021 through 2024.


Engagement Activity


Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan development completed. View the plan by clicking here for English or here for Spanish.


School climate survey administration for students, parents/guardians, and staff. Click here to view the District-level reports.


March 22: 1st LCAP committee meeting to review the spending of COVID-19 relief funds, evaluate progress on metrics, and develop goal statements. Click here to view the presentation slides.


April 14: ThoughtExchange survey launched to brainstorm and rank priorities for the LCAP. Click here to view the results.

LCAP draft goals and priorities were presented to the President's Council, District English Learner Advisory Committee, and the Superintendent's Student Advisory Committee.

April 19: 2nd LCAP committee meeting to establish top priorities and learn more about educational programs and services. Click here to view the presentation slides.


May 10: 3rd LCAP committee meeting to refine the draft LCAP goals and priorities. Click here to view the presentation slides.

The draft LCAP was shared with stakeholder groups including the President's Council, District English Learner Advisory Committee, Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA), and the Superintendent's Student Advisory Committee. A copy of the questions and answers from the President's Council (parent advisory committee) and District English Learners Advisory Committee meetings are available here.

May 24: 4th LCAP committee meeting to share a draft of the LCAP and gather feedback from the committee.





June 17: Public hearing at the Regular Board Meeting.

June 24: Final adoption at the Regular Board Meeting with a presentation of the Dashboard Local Indicators. Click here to view the final adopted Budget Overview for Parents and LCAP.

June 25: Submitted the LCAP to the Santa Clara County Office of Education for review.


2020 Budget Overview for Parents

School districts receive funding from different sources: state funds under the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), other state funds, local funds, and federal funds. The public can view the Budget Overview for Parents for the 2019-2020 school year. Adoption occurred at the December 14, 2020, regular Board meeting. 

2020-2021 Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan

The Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan replaced the requirements for the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) for the 2019-2020 school year. The public can view the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan by clicking here for English or here for Spanish. This plan includes a description of proposed uses for COVID-19 relief funds. Adoption of the plan occurred at the September 24, 2020, regular Board meeting. 
Due to ongoing COVID-19 school closures, school districts across California have made substantial changes to their plans for the 2020-2021 school year. Each school district adopted a Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan before September 30, 2020, that described how it was providing continuity for its educational programs and services, including:
  • Delivery of instruction
  • Daily attendance
  • Addressing learning loss
  • Access to technology
  • Mental health supports
  • Providing meals
  • Supporting students with additional needs
A Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan Committee was created with representation of staff, parents, and students to review the CUHSD's current distance learning plan and provide input on how to make improvements or add supports. 
Presentations were additionally made at staff, parent/guardian, and student committees during the summer and through September. Questions from the President's Council (consisting of school site parent/guardian liaisons) and District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC), along with responses from the District Office, are provided in the document linked below.
Surveys were sent to the community multiple times since the COVID-19 closures began, including surveys about the reopening of school, learning from home, and priorities for distance learning. These surveys were used to inform the development of the plan. To the see results of these surveys follow the links below:
Please follow the links below for more information about the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan:
If you have any questions about the Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan please contact Jennifer Orlick, Director of Innovation at [email protected], or by phone at (408) 371-0960 x2041.
COVID-19 Operations Written Report
California school districts each developed a COVID-19 Operations Written Report to describe how they responded to school closures during the Spring Semester of the 2019-2020 school year. The report describes how CUHSD continued its educational programs, distributed technology, and provided meals to students during the Spring Semester school closures of the 2019-2020 school year. This report was adopted by the CUHSD Board of Trustees at the regular Board meeting held on June 25, 2020. Follow the links below to read the report.
Community Engagement in Planning
New to the 2019-2020 school year was a more consistent level of engagement with our community through ThoughtExchange. Click on the links below to see the results of previous exchanges and information about upcoming opportunities for input.
LCAP Committee Meetings (conducted prior to COVID-19 closures)

ThoughtExchange Feedback
Climate Surveys (conducted prior to COVID-19 closures)
You can see the summary results of the annual climate surveys by clicking on the links below.
School Reopening Input Surveys (conducted after COVID-19 closures)
You can see the summary results of surveys distributed to staff and parents/guardians in May 2020 to gather their input on how to reopen schools in the fall by clicking on the links below.
You can use the information below to see results from the Learning from Home student survey, which was sent to all students via email in May 2020 to learn about their experiences with distance learning.
The Board of Trustees approved the 2019-2020 LCAP on June 20, 2019. Click here to download the final LCAP as approved by the Santa Clara County Office of Education: 2019-2020 LCAP.
CUHSD has also prepared an LCAP Federal Addendum, which can be found here in English.
LCAP Anexo Federal para CUHSD se puede encontrar aquí en español.
Stakeholders were engaged in developing the LCAP priorities through the following venues:
  • The Superintendent visited all high school sites during March to gather staff input on budget priorities.
  • A community event, the State of the District, was held on April 15 to inform stakeholders about the District's budget opportunities and challenges ahead. 
  • The results from the online survey ThoughtExchange were presented and discussed at the LCAP Committee, District English Learners Advisory Council and the parent representatives committee, known as the President's Council, in May. Presentation materials can be found here. Questions and answers from the committee meetings are available here.
  • Results of the online survey ThoughtExchange were shared with the LCAP Committee and on the CUHSD website in May.
  • A summary of climate survey results for parents can be found here, results for staff can be found here, and results for students can be found here.
  • The Student Well-Being Survey was piloted during May to better understand the supports and services being provided to students around socioemotional well-being and mental health.


Differentiated Assistance

The District was identified to receive Differentiated Assistance from the Santa Clara County Office of Education for the 2018-2019 school year because three CUHSD student groups (students with disabilities, African American students and English learner students) were rated “red” on multiple indicators on the California School Dashboard. These student groups are achieving far lower outcomes in academics, disproportionate suspensions, and lower rates of college and career preparation than their peers. If these ratings persist, the District will be identified for the highest level of support by the California Department of Education.


The District leadership team met with Santa Clara County Office of Education representatives for four meetings during the 2018-2019 school year, during which the team completed a root cause analysis and determined the next steps for improving student outcomes.


LCAP Committee Meeting

A committee comprised of staff and parents from all school sites participated in a review of ThoughtExchange survey comments and conducted an analysis of alignment and gaps in comparison with the current LCAP. The results were presented to the Board of Trustees at the annual Budget and LCAP Workshop on May 23. 


LCAP Committee Presentation for Board Workshop

The Board of Trustees approved the 2018-2019 LCAP on June 21, 2018. Click here to download the final LCAP as approved by the Santa Clara County Office of Education: 2018-2019 LCAP.
LCAP Community Input Session
Dr. Bravo led community members through a presentation and question and answer session on April 2nd, 2018 to get feedback on the District's LCAP. The presentation materials are below.
LCAP Committee Meetings
The LCAP Committee covers topics related to goals and strategies at each of the committee meetings.
School Climate Survey Results
Students, staff, and parents participated in school climate surveys. Click here to see the district-level reports.
Meetings with Parent Groups and District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)
Superintendent Bravo's designee Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services German Cerda met with the DELAC to discuss the LCAP on April 18. Superintendent Bravo met with parent representatives from school sites and the CUHSD Education Foundation to discuss the LCAP on May 7. You can view the questions and answers here.
The Board of Trustees approved the 2017-2018 LCAP on June 30, 2017. Additional documents, including committee meeting materials, are available here.
Click here to download the 2017-2018 LCAP.
Click here to download the 2016-2017 LCAP.
You can also access an executive summary of the LCAP in English and Spanish.
Click here to download the 2015-2016 LCAP.
Click here to download the 2014-2015 LCAP.
State law requires that school-level plans for programs funded through the Consolidated Application be consolidated in a Single Plan for Student Achievement (Education Code Section 64001), developed by schoolsite councils with the advice of any applicable school advisory committees. LEA’s allocate NCLB funds to schools through the Consolidated Application for Title I, Part A, Title III (Limited English Proficient), and Title V (Innovative Programs/Parental Choice). LEA’s may elect to allocate other funds to schools for inclusion in school plans. The content of the school plan includes school goals, activities, and expenditures for improving the academic performance of students to the proficient level and above. The plan delineates the actions that are required for program implementation and serves as the school's guide in evaluating progress toward meeting the goals.
The approval of a Local Educational Agency (LEA) Plan by the local school board and State Board of Education was a requirement for receiving federal funding subgrants for No Child Left Behind (NCLB) programs. The LEA Plan includes specific descriptions and assurances as outlined in the provisions included in NCLB. In essence, LEA Plans describe the actions that LEAs will take to ensure that they meet certain programmatic requirements, including student academic services designed to increase student achievement and performance, coordination of services, needs assessments, consultations, school choice, supplemental services, services to homeless students, and others as required. In addition, LEA Plans summarize assessment data, school goals and activities from the Single Plans for Student Achievement developed by the LEA’s schools.