Facilities Rentals

Campbell Union High School District Facility is using an online facility request and rental system designed to provide a positive user experience for all. Reservation requests can be submitted easily and will be handled more efficiently. Renters will be able to access photos and descriptions, see real-time availability, get estimated quotes, and pay online. In partnering with Facilitron, Campbell Union High School District Facility is launching web-based facility websites for each school with facility availability - allowing facility use requests to be submitted at any time. 

You can view all district facilities at https://facilitron.com/cuhsd95124. Facilitron will assist with the set-up of organizational accounts and the verification of their non-profit status (if applicable). All payments will be processed through Facilitron moving forward. Payment options include PayPal, major credit cards, ACH/eCheck, and traditional checks. Proof of insurance (COI) can be conveniently uploaded into the platform, and/or it can be obtained directly through Facilitron. The best way to secure a site is to create a Facilitron account and place your request at https://facilitron.com/cuhsd95124. If you need any assistance setting up an account and/or in placing a facility use request, you can contact Facilitron directly at [email protected], or by calling: 800-272-2962.

All officially sanctioned school-related activities (clubs, class events, etc.) shall be given priority in the use of facilities under the Civic Center Act. Thereafter, the use of facilities shall be on a system of priorities and scheduling process. The use of school facilities by outside groups shall not result in increased costs to the District.

When school facilities are used by any group outside of the normal operating hours, a site or District employee must be present at all times. Keys shall never be issued to outside groups. Buildings will be opened, attended, and closed by an authorized employee of the District only. Custodial time for necessary cleanup will be charged to the group using the facilities.

The Governing Board of CUHSD recognizes that District facilities are a community resource whose primary purpose is for school programs and activities. The Board authorizes the use of school facilities by community groups for purposes provided for in the Civic Center Act when such use does not interfere with school activities.

Priority System

The District established five (5) levels of user group categories to resolve scheduling conflicts and to determine appropriate use fees. These categories are organized by priority. All groups must use the Facilities Request Procedure, even school-related groups that use the facilities outside of the normal school day/year. The Superintendent, or designee, shall make the final determination according to the following system of priorities, which may be reviewed and modified by the Board from time to time:


A $40 Processing fee is charged for groups 4 & 5

A two hour minimum is required for all rentals 


Priority 1 – District Activities and Programs

  1. This category includes users conducting activities and programs of the District, directly related to the instructional and educational programs of the District.
  2. Priority 1 users will always receive first priority use of District facilities, grounds, and equipment and will never be charged any fees.

Priority 2 - Adult Education Instructional Program

  1. This category includes users conducting activities and programs for the District’s adult education instructional program.
  2. Priority 2 users will not be charged use fees, except for any additional costs for special labor, services, or equipment as applicable. Determination of the additional costs is detailed in the Calculation of Fees section.

Priority 3 – District/School Clubs, Groups, and Associations

  1. This category includes:
    1. Users conducting events or activities designed to serve the youth and citizens of the District, which are planned and directed by school-attached groups, including the Parent, Teacher, School Associations (PTSA), Home and School Clubs, booster clubs and other approved School-Connected Organizations (BP 1230), and educational or scholarship foundations.
    1. Recreational youth sports leagues that do not charge participants more than a nominal fee of sixty dollars ($60) per month. The nominal fee is to cover necessities for participation, such as, uniforms, equipment, facilities, snack bars, and trophies. This is specifically for local and community-based sports leagues that are run by volunteers, do not pay coaches, do not travel outside the region for competitions, and may be affiliated with local high schools. If the monthly fee exceeds sixty dollars ($60), the user will not qualify as a Priority 3 group and will be reclassified as Priority 4, or if admission is charged or donations are solicited and the proceeds are not expended for the welfare of the District’s pupils or for charitable purposes, the user will not qualify as a Priority 3 group and will be reclassified as Priority 5.
  1. Activities planned by this group must be related to or for the benefit of District schools and students.
Priority 3 users will not be charged use fees, except for any additional costs for special labor, services, or equipment as applicable.

Priority 4 – Nonprofit Organizations Promoting Youth and School Activities and Other Nonprofit Community Organizations


This category includes:
  1. Nonprofit community-based organizations whose primary purpose is service to community youth or the improvement of the general welfare of the community, and where no admission is charged for the event, program, or activity. Examples include Boy Scouts of America/Girl Scouts of America, Little League, Bobby Sox, Camp Fire USA, and the YMCA.
  2. Nonprofit organizations with a community-focused program or to benefit public affairs groups, and where no admission is charged for the event, program, or activity. Examples include veterans’ groups, church or religious organizations, homeowners’ associations, and public agency programs and events.
  3. Priority 4 users will be charged a fee not to exceed the District’s direct costs as authorized by the Civic Center Act and its regulations, plus additional costs for special labor, services, or equipment as applicable. Determination of the direct costs is detailed in the Calculation of Fees section.
  4. For any Priority 4 user, if admission is charged or donations are solicited, and the proceeds are not expended for the welfare of the District’s pupils or for charitable purposes, the user will not qualify as a Priority 4 group and will be reclassified as Priority 5.

Priority 5 – Commercial/For-Profit Activities

  1. This category includes use by groups for any commercial or for-profit activity, including any use for entertainment or a meeting where an admission fee is charged, or contributions are solicited, and the net receipts are not expended for the welfare of the pupils of the District or for charitable purposes.
  2. Priority 5 users will be charged the fair rental value for use of the District facilities or grounds, plus a processing fee, and any additional costs for special labor, services, or equipment as applicable.

Priority 6 – Uses outside the scope of the Civic Center Act

  1. This category includes use by groups who do not qualify under the provisions of the Civic Center Act, but to whom the District may make facilities available (e.g., movie companies).
  2. Priority 6 users will always be charged a fair market value for use of the District facilities or grounds, plus a processing fee and any additional costs for special labor, services, or equipment as applicable.

Calculation of Fees

  1. Costs for special labor, services, or equipment
    1. At the District’s sole discretion, it may charge additional costs for special labor, services, or equipment to any of its users, except for its Priority 1 users.
    2. These additional costs for labor or services may include, for example:
      1. Custodial services when one is not normally available (e.g., weekends, holidays, and after hours) or if activity results in custodial services exceeding the District’s typical level of custodial services for that specific facility.
      2. Stadium Manager, Theater Manager
      3. Kitchen /Cafeteria worker
      4. Certified Lifeguard
      5. Security
      1. District personnel time exceeding his/her normal duties or work hours.
    1. Additional costs for equipment may include, for example:
      1. Locker room
      2. Special custodial supplies
      3. Energy surcharge
      4. Restrooms
      5. Parking lot
  1. District’s Direct Costs

Pursuant to Education Code section 38134 and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, section 14037, et seq., the District may charge users a fee not to exceed the District’s direct costs (which includes both Operational Direct Costs and Capital Direct Costs, as defined below), unless otherwise specified. The hourly fees charged under the Civic Center Act are intended to reflect the user’s proportionate share of the District’s direct costs associated with the total use of the school facility or grounds.


    1. “Operational Direct Costs” is a user’s proportionate share of the costs of supplies, utilities, janitorial services, services of District employees and/or contracted workers, and salaries and benefits paid to District employees directly associated with the administration of the Civic Center Act to operate and maintain the school facilities or grounds, including all school and District equipment used by Civic Center Act users. (Education Code 38134(g)(1)(A); Cal. Code Regs., tit. 5, sec. 14037(b)(2))
    2. “Capital Direct Costs” is a user’s proportionate share of the costs for maintenance, repair, restoration, and refurbishment of the school facilities or grounds. (Education Code 38134(g)(1)(B)) Capital Direct Costs collected by the District shall be deposited into a special fund for costs of capital maintenance, repair, restoration, and refurbishment as related to the depreciation of school facilities and grounds as accelerated by non-District users. (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 5, sec. 14042)
Capital Direct Costs shall NOT apply to:
        1. General classroom facilities, that do not include specialty teaching spaces, such as, dance studios, music practice or performance spaces, shop, theaters, art studios, laboratories, computer rooms, among others. School grounds (e.g., athletic fields, tennis courts, track and field venues, basketball courts, etc.) are not considered general classroom facilities for purposes of this exclusion.
        2. Classroom-based programs that operate after school hours where participants spend at least fifty percent (50%) of operational hours in a classroom, including, after-school programs, tutoring programs, or child care programs, among others.
        3. Organizations retained by the school or District to provide instruction or instructional activities to pupils during school hours.

(Cal. Code Regs., tit. 5, sec. 14037; Education Code 38134(g))


Prohibited Use

The District shall not grant use of District facilities or grounds under the Civic Center Act for any of the following activities:

  1. Any use by an individual or group for the commission of any crime or any act prohibited by law.
  2. Any use of school facilities or grounds which is inconsistent with their use for school purposes or other District or school activities and programs, or which interferes with the regular conduct of school or school work.
  3. Any use which is discriminatory, in the legal sense, against any individual or group protected under local, state, or federal anti-discrimination laws.

(cf. 0410 - Nondiscrimination in District Programs and Activities)

  1. Any use which results in or involves the possession, use, distribution, consumption or sale of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, other drugs, or any restricted substances on District property. The use of tobacco is prohibited on District property at all times.

(cf. 5131.6 – Alcohol and Other Drugs)

(cf. 3513.3 - Tobacco-Free Schools)


  1. All driving on District property is limited to the marked driveways and paths, and parking is limited to marked parking lots, facilities, and grounds. Facility users may be cited and/or have their vehicles towed at their own expense for violating the District's policy on Parking and Traffic. (AR 3513.2)

(cf. 3513.2 – Parking and Traffic)


  1. Any use which, in the District’s sole determination, would unduly disrupt the residents in the neighborhood, or which would damage the facilities, grounds, or equipment, including, any use that may cause any hazardous material to be generated, brought onto, used, stored, or disposed of in or about the District facilities or grounds which is defined as hazardous under state or federal law. (42. U.S.C. 6901 et seq.; 42 U.S.C. 9601; Cal. Code Regs., tit. 22, § 66261.30 et seq.)

(cf. 3514.1 Hazardous Substances)


An occurrence of any of these prohibited uses shall be sufficient cause for the District to cancel or terminate the Permit for Use and deny any future use of District facilities, grounds, or equipment. Also, unauthorized use of District facilities, grounds, or equipment by an individual or group, or a violation of the terms and conditions of the Permit for Use, any part of the Application Packet, Board policies, Administrative Regulations, or applicable federal, state, or local law, rule, regulation, or ordinance by a user shall be sufficient cause for the District to cancel or terminate the Permit for Use and/or deny future use of District facilities, grounds, or equipment.


Use of Equipment


Use of any District or school equipment is not permitted unless requested in the Application and approved by the District as noted in the Permit for Use. This includes, but is not limited to, such items as: stoves and other kitchen equipment, computers, athletic equipment and copy machines.

  • Cafeteria kitchens shall only be used if a cafeteria worker is assigned to work the Facility Request.
  • All requests for use of turf and grass fields are subject to revocation without notice, if determined that further use would be detrimental to the fields.
  • The swimming pools shall only be available to groups that are able to supply a certified lifeguard. The individual must be identified, and their certification presented at least two weeks prior to the first date of use.

Damage and Liability


Users of District facilities, grounds, or equipment shall be liable for any property damage caused by the activity or use, whether it was caused directly by the applicant-user, a participant, spectator, parent, volunteer, or other person onsite specifically for that event, program, or activity. The Board may charge the amount necessary to repair damages and/or perform extra custodial services and may deny the group further use of school facilities.

(Education Code 38134(f))


Users of District facilities, grounds, or equipment shall be liable for any injuries resulting from its negligence during such use or activity. The group shall bear the cost of insuring against this risk and defending itself against claims arising from this risk. (Education Code 38134(i))

A user’s liability for injuries or property damage is not limited to the user’s insurance policy limits. The Superintendent or designee may require a hold harmless agreement and indemnification from user when warranted by the type of activity or the specific facility being used.


Facilities Not Available for Use

  1. Science laboratories and classrooms
  2. Applied Living Arts classrooms
  3. All offices, unless authorization by the site principal.
  4. Computer Labs

Special Conditions for Specific Facilities

    • Gymnasiums, swimming and diving pools
    • These facilities are only available when under the direction of qualified individuals and groups, at the sole discretion of the District.
    • The Gymnasiums are never to be used for activities such as, baseball, softball, soccer, field hockey or any other activity that is prone to damaging the facility. Its primary purpose is for basketball, volleyball and wrestling. The maximum number of occupants is to be strictly enforced. No food or drink allowed.
    • The swimming pools shall only be available to groups that are able to supply a certified lifeguard. The individual must be identified, and their certification presented at least two weeks prior to the first date of use.
    • Football stadiums
During the spring and summer, use of the fields shall be limited to track and field activities.
    • During winter, no use of the fields shall take place. The fields shall be allowed to be rejuvenated.
    • The District reserves the right to deny use of the fields if it is felt that weather or field conditions have caused, or will cause, permanent damage to the turf.
    • A Stadium manager must be on duty when the stadium is being used.
    • Dressing room facilities
    • These facilities may be used only when a city recreation or District employee is on duty.
    • Towel service is not available.
    • Other athletic facilities
    • Any activity that might damage the playing fields or tracks will be prohibited and users may be asked to leave the premises.
    • No automobiles or wheeled vehicles, with the exception of an ambulance, are to be permitted on turf, track, play areas or athletic fields.
    • Concessions are to be operated by the Associated Student Body (ASB) of the appropriate high school, or its authorized agent, and all profit to be retained by that school.
    • All use of turf areas is subject to revocation without notice, if determined that further use would be detrimental to the fields.
  1. Kitchens and cafetorium
    • The cafeterias are only to be used for dining, dancing and assembly. They are never to be used for sports activities.
    • When the cafetorium is to be used by non-school activities or groups and food is to be served and the kitchen requested, a cafeteria personnel will be assigned and required to be present and proper fees charged for the service.
    • If the cafetorium is to be used and no food is to be served, the principal or designee is to lock the kitchen facility.
    • Cafeteria personnel are to file "incident reports" following the use of the cafetorium or kitchen; and if there is any damage or abuse to the kitchen, a billing will be forwarded to the user.
  1. PAC – Performing Arts Centers
    1. Theater manager required at all times.
    2. No food or drink.
    3. Occupancy limits.
    4. No modifications of any kind are to be made to the existing equipment.

Special Conditions for Contact Sports

  1. District may increase the insurance coverages and limits, at its sole discretion.
  2. Participants must be covered by proper medical insurance for tackle football.
  3. Appropriate medical personnel must be in attendance on the field at all tackle football games.
  4. Adequate adult supervision must be provided.
  5. All game equipment, towels, first aid supplies, etc., must be supplied by user.


All community use requests for summer dates are due by May 15th.
Community use applications have a cut off date of June 30 (every fiscal year).