Emergency Communications
Communications During an Emergency
The first priority will always be to ensure the safety of students and staff on campus during an emergency. As soon as it is safe to do so, staff will inform parents through text, robocall and/or email when an emergency is occurring at a school site and will continue to provide regular updates as the situation progresses.How Information Will be Shared During an Emergency

Email, Text, and Automated Phone Calls
- A mass notification alerting you that an emergency (shelter-in-place, lockdown, run-hide-defend, etc.) will be sent via automated phone call, email and/or text message. This initial message may simply inform you that an emergency is occurring. In crisis scenarios, school staff may have limited information.
- Please ensure your emergency contact information is up to date with the District by visiting https://campbelluhsd.aeries.net/student/LoginParent.aspx and navigating to Contacts under the Student Info tab at the top.
- After the initial alert, please expect to receive ongoing updates until the situation is resolved.
Social Media and Website Updates
Throughout the duration of the incident, staff will also provide updates on the District's social media accounts and website homepage. During an emergency, social media can spread misinformation. Please look for the District's official social media accounts for the most accurate information during an emergency. If you haven't already, please be sure to like or follow CUHSD’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages by searching for our handle @mycuhsd.
News Media
The district works with news media during emergency situations to help share accurate and helpful information. Please watch for official information from the district or first-responders on news media for the most accurate information.
Phone Calls
During and after an emergency, school phone lines may become overloaded. Please refrain from calling a school during or right after an emergency if at all possible. If it is urgent that you get a message to the school for the safety of your student during an emergency, please contact the district office at (408) 371-0960.
Picking Up Students During an Emergency
To ensure students remain safe, schools may implement restricted pick-up procedures after an emergency situation. Please keep in mind that in certain scenarios (lockdown or shelter-in-place), no one except authorized district staff and first responders will be allowed to enter or leave a school. Also, only those listed on a student's emergency card will be allowed to pick a student up.
Is Picking Up a Student Required?
The vast majority of emergency situations are precautionary in nature. In most cases, we will not require students to be picked up before their normal dismissal time. If pick-up is mandatory, we will notify families. If there is a safety concern requiring students to leave campus immediately we will evacuate students via foot or via bus depending on the situation.
When Should Parents Go to a Campus?
To ensure the safety of students and staff, parents or family members who go to campus while it is in lockdown or shelter-in-place will not be allowed on campus. If you do go to the campus before the lockdown is lifted you will be stopped and asked to wait in a specified area off-campus. Parents and guardians who do attempt to come on campus may be putting themselves and others in danger. Anyone attempting to gain access to a campus will be refused entrance and asked to wait off-campus. Families will be notified that the situation has been resolved as soon as it is safe to do so. Updates will be made as they are available and information will be posted to the school and district websites. Once families are allowed on campus, you will be directed to a specific pick-up area.