Title IV, Part A: Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE)
Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) |
- Provide all students with access to a well-rounded education;
- Improve school conditions for student learning; and
- Improve the use of technology in order to improve the academic achievement and digital literacy of all students.
CUHSD actively engages all stakeholders by organizing meetings where they are invited to attend and contribute their input and feedback regarding district priorities for programs and services. These meetings also serve as opportunities to periodically evaluate the effectiveness of these programs and services, using measures such as standardized test scores and site-based assessments. The feedback received from multiple sources is carefully synthesized to determine its alignment with the district's vision and goals. This valuable input is then used to inform budget decisions, helping CUHSD allocate resources to the most effective programs and services.
A central focus of CUHSD's graduation requirements is college and career readiness. CUHSD acknowledges that there may be disparities in success among different student groups and recognizes the importance of providing targeted opportunities for underrepresented students. To ensure equal access to educational opportunities, CUHSD is committed to supporting qualifying students by providing them with the financial assistance necessary to access Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses and exams. Furthermore, CUHSD is dedicated to providing all students with access to advanced courses and learning opportunities, including AP, IB, honors, and college courses.
Monitoring student progress is a key responsibility of both site and district administration. They closely track test completion and pass rates to gain insights into student performance and identify areas for improvement. CUHSD proactively supports staff, students, and families by equipping them with resources and tools to increase enrollment in advanced courses. The Educational Technology Department plays a crucial role in integrating technology tools into both professional development programs offered to school sites and student learning experiences. One such tool supported by the district is the Newsela platform, which enhances English language skills and content area knowledge. Newsela provides differentiated and diverse content to cater to student's individual reading levels. It offers vocabulary words in context, making it easier for students to grasp new vocabulary. Teachers can customize annotations to scaffold instruction based on students' assigned reading levels. The platform also offers various instructional supports, including customizable assignments, comprehension quizzes, writing prompts, and access to professional learning resources.
Subject-specific quizzes, writing prompts, and curated collections for different subjects help teachers effectively utilize Newsela content for standards-based instruction. In addition, the platform provides curriculum complements that align Newsela materials with popular curricular resources already in use by teachers.
More information regarding Title IV, Part A: SSAE can be found here: https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/st/