
Campbell Union High School District is proud to provide Naviance, a college and career planning tool, to the students and families of the district.

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What is Naviance Family Connection?

Naviance Family Connection is the leading Internet-based student guidance system and tool in the United States that is designed to help all high school students prepare for life after high school - whether that means entering the workforce, or attending college (technical, 2-year, 4-year, public or private). Family Connection is used with great success by many high achieving public and private high schools.

What is Naviance used for?

All students and families use Family Connection throughout their years in high school to do the following:
  • Create 4 year plans to ensure your student is on track for technical, 2-year, 4-year and private colleges
  • Take interest surveys and personality tests to determine skills, strengths and preferences
  • Explore careers and find out the education, training and skills required as well as salary and wage information. There are many educational videos in English and Spanish.
  • Search colleges and technical schools all over the US, and internationally, using multiple criteria (example: size, location, specialized content, sports)
  • View personal Scattergrams to check the probability of getting accepted at a list of selected colleges
  • Submit and track College Applications, as well as transcript requests and teacher recommendation letters
  • Research scholarships via the Naviance database
  • Create a resume to help students prepare for college applications, and summer jobs and internships

What are the benefits to using Naviance?

The benefits to all students are enormous, and school guidance advisors are able to help students more easily with a one-stop place to have all students’ course, career and college planning information. Parents will have their own account (so no need to long onto your student’s account) and are encouraged to join Naviance Family Connection so you can also help guide your student toward success after high school.

Getting started on Naviance

Students receive their registration codes near the beginning of the school year. Parents can get their registration codes by contacting their student’s high school.
Once you are registered, you and your student will be able to access your Naviance Family Connection account anywhere you have Internet access - home, work, school or even your local coffee shop!