English Language Learners
The English Language Learners (ELL) program, also known as Structured English Immersion, provides support for students who score less than reasonable fluency in English. Students are identified for this program based upon the home language survey information and result from the English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC).
Placement in the program is based on multiple-measures: Initial assessment, state testing, districtwide local common assessments, and recommendations. The design of instruction at all levels is to support students in becoming independent, strategic, critical readers and effective communicators as they acquire language across disciplines. English Language Learners (ELL) programs are available at each of our high schools: Boynton, Branham, Del Mar, Leigh, Prospect, and Westmont.
For more information on ELAC and DELAC, please contact your site ELAC chair.
Reclassification (Exit) Criteria:
The goal of the EL program is for students to become fully proficient in English and to master state standards for academic achievement as rapidly as possible.
The LEA guidelines are as follows:
1. Level 4 on ELPAC
2. Meeting proficiency on 2 of 3 academic measurements:
SBAC (ELA/Literacy), Site Common Assessment (Fall or Spring) or Districtwide Common Assessment (January).
3. Teacher Evaluation
4. Parental Consultation
It is the goal of CUHSD to provide quality instruction to all students by supporting students at all levels of proficiency and providing access to rigorous, core curriculum.
Parent Flyers
English Learner Roadmap